The non-invasive procedure of medical abortion comes with high success rates when the precautions are duly considered and the right protocols are followed with no delay in taking the pills. The medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) is accompanied by the following visible signs that are a preliminary confirmation for a successful procedure.
Bleeding and cramping
These are inevitable symptoms. Mifepristone and Misoprostol are the two pills in an abortion regimen. But bleeding and cramping, both, generally result from the latter. The former works to disrupt the pregnancy-induced thickening of the inner uterine wall. If an embryo is already implanted before the abortion is taken up, it is separated too. But none of these actions bring about any specific symptom. The woman may only feel nauseated due to the oral intake of the drug.
The main function of misoprostol is to eliminate these disrupted pregnancy contents from the uterus. Its action dilates the cervix also stimulates and enhances contractions of the uterus muscles. Increased severity of contractions leads to cramping and an expulsion of the content through the vaginal opening is visible as bleeding. The bleeding may thus be fibrous in nature and the flow may be heavier than the normal menstrual periods.
A visible passage of pregnancy contents
While pregnancy, in the duration permissible for abortion, is not developed enough to be visible to the naked eye, a very rare proportion of women see the contents pass. This is generally the case when the woman is close to 10 weeks pregnant.
In roughly 3% of women, abortion may also be complete after Mifepristone itself. This is indicated by passage of tissue like contents after the first pill with no bleeding. Advise about the MTP kit online indicates that this must be confirmed from a clinic for an actionable insight on the situation.
Tapering of pregnancy symptoms
Pregnancy symptoms like tender breasts, morning sickness, etc., usually decline after a successful abortion. They must be gone by the end of the second week after the abortion procedure.
One must be informed that the severity and prevalence of these symptoms may differ from individual to individual. This may, hence, not be a complete list. You can always read more about the abortion pill online from trusted websites or consult a medical practitioner.
However, some symptoms of the abortion process being in progress of having been successfully completed, coincide with that of pregnancy itself. The above-mentioned is just a list of signs that indicate a complete abortion. One must always undergo formal clinical assessments 2 weeks (10-14 days) after the prescribed dosage regimen has ended to be sure that there have been no complications like a failed or an incomplete pregnancy ending. You must not skip this step even if you chose to buy abortion pills online.